Squeeze Ctrl for Android
- Added support for Android Auto.
- Added option for fwd/rew buttons to skip forward or backwards in the track.
- Added option for long pressing the power button activate sleep timer.
- Added button for hiding and showing track info on the Now Playing screen on a tablet.
- [Fixed] Bluetooth controls.
- [Fixed] Mute on phone call.
- [Fixed] Tracks in a saved playlist could not be added to the current one under certain situations.
- [Fixed] Auto closing SB Player
- Added support for setting and using preset buttons.
- [Fixed] Search dialog crashes app.
- [Fixed] Play Now / Play Next menu no showing after 200th item.
- Changed sync/unsync in Player Manager to Select All button
- Hide notification volume control when hidden in app.
- Added option to hide volume controls in widget.
- Added option to use 24 hour display to time picker.
- [Fixed] Advanced Settings not saved when editing home menu.
- [Fixed] Auto load not working for some items.
- [Fixed] Volume display was wrapping the text when device uses a larger font.
- [Fixed] Position slider not shown after app resume when auto hide option is off.
- Added sync/unsync all to Player Manager
- Added group unsync to Player Manager
- [Fixed] Wear App clearing song info when play state changed.
- Other bug fixes
- Work around to Google breaking their own licensing system.
- Double click headset button to skip track.
- Option to exit app after player has paused for a while.
- [Fixed] App crashes on hiding after displaying a few long lists.
- [Fixed] Cast button not showing in Tablet Mode Full View.
- [Fixed] Albums, Artists, Genres list empty if music library is corrupt.
- [Fixed] Playlist stuck in reordering mode after app resumes.
- [Fixed] Added a screen when the Wear 2.0 app starts.
- Option to not scroll Now Playing artist and album
- Option to select action to take if audio file to be downloaded already exists
- Compatibility with Android Wear 2.0
- [Fixed] Album artwork download for transcoded songs was broken for Android 7.1
- [Fixed] Hopefully the Chromecast auto casting problem is fixed
- [Fixed] Cannot switch player from MySqueezebox to local server.
- [Fixed] Home menu item reordering was broken.
- Music Source item is now hideable
- Added option to hide volume controls
- Added show a menu of actions when you tap a playlist item
- Bug fixes
- Added ability to add a song to a stored playlist
- Added ability to create a new favorites folder
- Added option to match the playlist highlight color with the background
- [Fixed] Widget was occupying more rows than necessary on some devices
- [Fixed] Default Network Timeout value wasn\'t being saved.
- [Fixed] Server Message popup text color for Android 7.0.
- [Fixed] App crashing when hiding in Android 7.0.
- [Fixed] Various app crashes
- Icon for Line-In menu item for players that have a line-in.
- Changes for compatibility with multi-window mode on Android Nougat.
- [Fixed]Downloaded transcoded songs reports a duration slightly shorter than the actual duration.
- [Fixed]Soft-Keyboard does not close when the text input dialog closes.
- [Fixed]Unable to change and save the position of the Music Source menu item.
- Added Connect button.
- Added option to always ask what to do when a track is tapped.
- Compatibility with multi-window mode on Android N.
- Bug fixes
- Updated Wear app icons to match the main app
- Added mute button to Wear app.
- Added action to close main app from Wear app.
- When launched from watch, Wear app will start even if playlist is empty
- Improved stability of Wear App.
- [Fixed] Power button was not changing color.
- [Fixed] Fastscroller indicator background was incorrect.
- Added track title and artist display in Player Manager
- Added "sync" icon to player status icons in the footer
- Added group mute to Player Manager
- Changed some graphical assets to vectors to shrink the app package size
- [Fixed] Playlists for downloaded songs were empty
- [Fixed] Android Wear app could not be launched on the watch
- [Fixed] Other bug fixes.
- Automatically switch the main menu language to match device language without having to switch server language.
- [Fixed] Lock settings for Default Player and Player Background were switched.
- [Fixed] App crashed if widget background or cover art images were too large.
- [Fixed] Notification styling did not use Material style for Android 5.0+.
- [Fixed] Server discovery did not properly handle servers started with httpaddr option.
- [Fixed] Repeat and Shuffle icons were not showing on Android 6.0.
- [Fixed] Next/Prev buttons on Bluetooth and other remote controls not working with Pandora.
- [Fixed] Certain text items were not displaying properly when system font was set to large.
- Added button in server preferences to generate a new random MAC address.
- Tweaked server discovery to work more reliably
- [Fixed] Track not playing when selected, if the track is the 49th or higher item on the list.
- [Fixed] Menus were being unnecessarily refreshed once a minute.
- [Fixed] Favorites reordering on LMS 7.9
- [Fixed] If stay awake when charging is enabled, plugging in the device when the app is in the foreground will not trigger the device to stay awake.
- [Fixed] Various other bugs.
- Updated app icon.
- When auto launching SB Player, added slight delay to connection process so SB Player could be used as default player.
- [Fixed] App crashes when deleting the first item on the favorites list.
- Long press on Play/Pause button sends a Stop command.
- Ability to auto close SB Player (ver. 1.3.0+)
- [Fixed] Widgets took up more space than needed on Android 6.0
- [Fixed] Lockscreen artwork display may flicker on pre-Android 5.0 devices
- [Fixed] Menu items with duplicate icons does not show icon the first time the list is loaded
- [Fixed] Chromecast disconnects after 10 to 15 mins if device is not charging.
- [Fixed] Various other bugs.
- Option to hide Next Track on Now Playing screen.
- Option to show track rating on Now Playing screen.
- Artist and Album display will auto-scroll on Now Playing screen
- [Fixed] If items in \'My Apps\' have same names, only one item will show.
- [Fixed] Editing home list crashes.
- [Fixed] App crashes when opening Preferences on certain devices.
- [Fixed] Other bug fixes.
- [Fixed] App crashes on launch on pre-Android 4.1 devices.
- [Fixed] Searching for radio stations can crash app.
- Compatibility with Android 6.0 permission system.
- [Fixed] Cover art in the widget was not being updated when song changes.
- [Fixed] Coverart in tablet mode portrait(full view) was not being updated when the song changes.
- [Fixed] Lowered the priority of the notification controls, so it hopefully let more urgent notifications stay on top.
- [Fixed] Other bug fixes.
- [Fixed] Alarm Volume could not be set.
- [Fixed] Locking preference categories did not work correctly on larger devices.
- [Fixed] Jukebox playlist may not open on some devices.
- [Fixed] Jukebox albums may not load after device rotation.
- Switched to using individual modules of the Google Play Services Library instead of the whole thing to avoid necessary permission requirements.
- Added ability to lock preference categories.
- Added option to remember the view for each orientation(Tablet Mode)
- Added "sort by new music" to Jukebox view (Tablet Mode)
- [Fixed] App may crash if "Disconnect when hiding if player is off" is enabled
- [Fixed] App may crash if volume buttons are pressed before connecting.
- Enabled Tablet Mode to work with smaller tablets in portrait orientation.
- Added ability to lock certain settings.
- More options for the "Add" button.
- Colored the status bar to match the app colors. (Android 5.0+)
- Updated German translation.
- [Fixed] Wrong animation when reordering items
- [Fixed] Normal sized notification not respecting darken value
- [Fixed] Certain menu items with a context menu were not shown given a context menu button
- [Fixed] Keyboard will close when the done button is pressed
- [Fixed] Other bug fixes.
- Favorites menu will automatically update if favorites list is change elsewhere.
- [Fixed] Picking a custom background did not work with newer versions of the Gallery app added to Android Kitkat and later.
- [Fixed] Picking a default background gets it stuck as the background even for players with their own background until the app restarts.
- [Fixed] Last version broke the handling of dynamic changes to the menu.
- [Fixed] App may crash when disconnecting.
- Option to show track number and year in the current playlist.
- [Fixed] Preferences Activity crashing changing certain preferences
- [Fixed] App crashing when trying to reorder the playlist
- [Fixed] App crashing when switching away from player view in portrait orientation.
- Other bug fixes
- Added Artist and Album option to Jukebox View captions.
- REMOTE_CONNECT intent can now have a server address and login info extras.
- Added a SERVER_READY intent broadcast for use with Tasker
- [Fixed] Jukebox View tile sizes were not calculated correctly for a vertical grid in portrait orientation.
- [Fixed] App can sometimes crash when the playlist is cleared.
- [Fixed] Notification controls not showing when playlist is empty.
- [Fixed] Background not changing when app is not showing and the player is changed.
- [Fixed] The first item of the list of saved playlists was not showing.
- Jukebox View can have a fixed position playlist (Tablet Mode)
- Updated images for the Android Wear player selector
- [Fixed] Artist -> Albums will not display if Album Sort Method is set to (Artist,Year,Album)
- Other bug fixes
- Translation to German
- Context Menu can have multi-line items
- Added progress bar to Chromecast display
- Added double tap on the player name to open the Player Manager
- Improved swipe delete and drag and drop reordering
- Option to auto enable Wifi at app launch
- [Fixed] Power button in player menu did not work if playlist is empty
- [Fixed] Cover art not showing in the Chromecast display when connected to a password protected server
- Other bug fixes
- Option to disable "Touch Volume" feature for Player View and Jukebox View (Tablet Mode)
- Album search in Jukebox view (Tablet Mode)
- Jump List in Jukebox view (Tablet Mode)
- [Fixed] Opening a user defined server in Preferences > Server will crash the app.
- Added exit button to dock view w/ automatic return to dock view after adjustable timeout.
- Added option to only stay awake when the current player is on.
- [Fixed] Option to show track audio info in jukebox view was disabled.
- [Fixed] Home menu editor did not respect lock orientation setting.
- [Fixed] The "Player" label in the player menu would wrap to a second line if the player name is long.
- Power button in player menu.
- Added option to auto close album dialog after adding album in Jukebox view.
- Dock Mode can be separately configured for car and desk dock.
- Lengthened server discovery period.
- [Fixed] Radio stations not updating when song changes.
- [Fixed] Radio stations did not display artist and station info.
- [Fixed] Sometimes the app crashes if the song has no album artwork.
- Republished as Squeeze Ctrl after forced removal of previous app from Play store.
- More widget sizes.
- Option to continue sending volume commands even if the player is set to "Fixed Volume".
- Option to display replay gain in track listings.
- Option to have the jump list be open by default.
- Option disable fast scroller.
- Fast scrolling a list will now show a letter representing the section of the list.
- More Intents for use with Tasker. Check website for more info.
- [Fixed] Tracks with multiple artists was not displaying the artists in the correct order on Now Playing screen
- [Fixed] Duration display on items in the playlist was disappearing when the track is played
- [Fixed] The time display of the position bar was wrapping to a second line if more than 4 digits
- Hardware volume buttons now respect the volume step size on Android 5.0+.
- Added player selector to custom Android Wear controls.
- Added next song display to Chromecast screen.
- Added power button to widget.
- Made the check for the tablet mode license a little less strict.
- [Fixed] Time picker for setting alarms was broken on Android 5.0+.
- [Fixed] Custom control for Android Wear 5.0+ was not working.
- [Fixed] Android Wear 5.0+ stock media controls did not work correctly.
- Various bug fixes.
- [Fixed] Alignment of player menu in tablet mode when not connected.
- [Fixed] App crashing if connecting from widget without first starting main app after update.
- [Fixed] Download Manager crashing on some devices.
- Updated app design to Android 5.0 "Material" theme.
- Added option to show track audio info and change the background color on the Chromecast display.
- Added option to use phone style dock mode when in tablet mode.
- Added ability to reorder the Favorites list.
- Disabled volume controls when the player is set to "Fixed Volume 100%"
- Added mute button to the players in the Player Manager.
- Added voice search.
- On Android 5.0+, added ability to use volume buttons when app is in the background.
- [Fixed] On Android 5.0+ enabling "Use Media Buttons" will not automatically capture the hardware volume buttons.
- [Fixed] Correctly set height of main header menu in portrait tablet mode for large tablets
- [Fixed] Footer player menu is scrollable in phone landscape view.
- - Added ability to choose a full rescan vs a new/changed scan.
- - Internal changes to integration with SB Player.
- - Bug fixes
- - Added Rescan Library button to Preferences > Server.
- - Added special handling for "Switch Player" plugin, automatically change to control the "switched to" player.
- - Added bigger notification controls for Android 4.1+ (Jellybean+)
- - Added ability to not show "Server discovery error" popup.
- - Added option to ignore lossy formats when transcoding downloads.
- - Compatibility with Android 5.0
- - [Fixed] Transcoded VBR files will show a correct duration when played.
- - [Fixed] Progress bar in tablet mode was not aligned correctly when the cast button is showing.
- - [Fixed] Various other bugs.
- [Fixed] Player selection was not being saved when reconnecting.
- [Fixed] Problems with the widget.
- [Fixed] Multiple server discovery errors when there is no local network connection.
- [Fixed] On 7" tablets, app crashes when changing to portrait orientation with the Album popup dialog open.
- [Fixed] Backing up of preferences to the Google cloud did not work.
- [Fixed] Wake On Lan setting was not being saved for user defined servers.
- [Fixed] Time entry dialog was not cancelable.
- [Fixed] Fixed server discovery to work on all network interfaces instead just Wifi.
- [Fixed] Removed analytics to prevent some app crashes.
- [Fixed] Tweaked memory usage, should make scrolling long lists with artwork a bit smoother.
- [Fixed] Custom image backgrounds should now be more reliable.
- [Fixed] App crashes at launch when there is a widget.
- Extended Android Wear support beyond default support through enabling lockscreen controls.
- Chromecast support (Now Playing screen).
- Added Play and Play Next buttons to Album dialog in Jukebox View.
- Added option to change volume by sliding finger up/down on Now Playing screen in phone mode.
- Enabled backup of preferences to Google cloud.
- [Fixed] When adding an item to the home menu, the expanded group will no longer collapse when child item is selected.
- [Fixed] Playlist was using low resolution artwork when Bigger Artwork in enabled.
- [Fixed] Crashing when reordering the home menu.
- [Fixed] Slow appearance of notification controls, after app is hidden.
- [Fixed] Various other bugs
- [Fixed] When showing bigger artwork in the playlist, the artwork of the current track would disappear once playing begins.
- [Fixed] Incorrect time in the set alarm time dialog for certain timezones.
- [Fixed] In Player Manager, tapping the player buttons can sometimes crash the Player Manager.
- [Fixed] Some lists would display the artwork from the previous page when scrolling fast.
- [Fixed] When displaying bigger artwork icons, the actual artwork requested was not larger.
- [Fixed] Not all lists with artwork was respecting the bigger art option.
- [Fixed] Extra info about tracks were not displaying after the first 48 items.
- [Fixed] Tracks with multiple artists were not displaying all the artists.
- [Fixed] 0 seconds was being displayed as 60 in track and playlist duration.
- Automatically send Wake-On-Lan packet for auto discovered servers.
- Option to have the Add button always add a single track regardless of server settings.
- Change the color of the player name to red if it is off.
- Option to also download the album art when transcoding is enabled for song download.
- Option to create a playlist for downloaded songs.
- Squeeze Control now listens to these intents for volume control:
com.angrygoat.android.sqzctrl.MEDIA_VOLUME_UP, com.angrygoat.android.sqzctrl.MEDIA_VOLUME_DOWN
- [Fixed] Widget and notification remote volume controls were not respecting the volume step size.
- [Fixed] Download Song item was not showing in the context menu of the Current Playlist songs.
- [Fixed] Picker menu items with only a single choice were being auto trigger (SugarCube settings).
- Added option to show song duration in the track listing
- Added option to show song duration in the current playlist
- Added option to change the scroll direction in Jukebox view (Tablet Mode)
- [Fixed] Unsyncing a player could crash the Player Manager
- Added current song index/playlist length to Now Playing title
- Added a menu button to the Tablet Mode Now Playing panels
- [Fixed] Certain songs without cover art could crash the app in tablet mode.
- Added option to show audio info in the current playlist.
- Added option to show audio info on the Now Playing screen.
- [Fixed] Opening the Player Manager will prevent the main app from detecting track changes.
- [Fixed] Audio info was not showing correclty in saved playlists.
- [Fixed] Compatibility problems with LMS 7.8
- [Fixed] Switching the music source of a player was working correctly in certain cases.
- Internal improvements to how the menu system works.
- Other crash fixes
- Added option to show audio info in the track listings.
- Added option to show audio info the album popup of tablet mode.
- Player Manager will now immediately show changes to player sync, when the changes were initiated outside of app.
- [Fixed] Some long lists were not loading past the first 50 items.
- [Fixed] App was crashing sometimes when switching players.
- [Fixed] App was crashing sometimes when opening a context menu.
- Added option to send a Wake On Lan signal for a saved server.
- Added ability to edit the MAC address sent to the server.
- Auto size the header menu to fit the available space.
- Setting a track rating for the Track Stat plugin now works.
- Rotating the device no longer resets the header menu of Now Playing and Current Playlist to the main menu.
- Various crash fixes.
- Added option to show bigger album artwork in lists.
- Added a grace period to having a successful license check.
- Added validation of downloaded song filenames.
- Bug Fixes.
- Fixed a problem with the music source item in the last version which could crash the app.
- Add option to always keep the device awake.
- Improved checking if device size can support Tablet Mode.
- Bug Fixes.
- Ability to edge swipe between Main, Now Playing and Playlist screen.
- Detect if Animator Duration Scale was set to Off in Developer Options.
- Tablet: Slightly sped up the animation of the panels.
- Bug Fixes.
- Duplicate songs will not be added to the download list.
- Downloading a list of songs will no longer show a notification for every song being queued.
- Swipe deleting a song on the playlist, will not delete duplicate instances of that song.
- Song download now works with password protected servers.
- Fixed: Adding an item to the home menu could crash the app.
- Fixed: App could crash at the end of a song download.
- Artist name in track listings.
- Customizable the Home menu.
- Docked view for phone mode.
- Pebble watch can launch the app.
- Can auto-select a Home menu item at launch.
- Can use the standard lockscreen controls.
- Can stay awake when docked/charging.
- Can auto launch when docked/charging.
- Can treat a wireless charger as a dock (Android 4.2+).
- Can pause/mute all players for a phone call.
- Tablet: Jukebox View.
- Tablet: Can remember which view to use when docked or charging.
- Fixed: A-Z works with different album sort order.
- Added option to transcode song downloads
- The folder structure of song downloads can now be changed after the song is queued
- Changed progress bar to increment every second instead of every percent
- Added option to disable changing songs with a swipe
- Added support for the Pebble Smartwatch (Experimental)
- Bug fixes
- [Fixed] Header menu for the main panel was broken in 1.2.7
- Widget is now resizable.
- Widget background can now be transparent.
- Option to show playlist song index/total in Widget.
- [Fixed] default size of widget was too narrow.
- [Fixed] workaround for a possible bug in the Galaxy S4.
- Added 'More...' item to search results drop down.
- Improved the SB Player's auto launch behavior.
- Add options to mute instead of pausing on a phone call.
- Workaround for Android bug where scrolling a preference screen can change a switch preference.
- [Fixed] Setting 'Launch With Address' to false will now also apply when SB Player is auto launched.
- Added ability to set a default player per server.
- Added "Copy Song Info" command to Now Playing options menu.
- [Fixed] Lists with items that have a '[' as the first character of the title will cause an error.
- Various other bugs and tweaks.
- Option to auto-pause music for a phone call
- Option to jump to Now Playing on start, if song is playing.
- Option to not show progress in the notification controls.
- Added Default Network Timeout and Artwork in List option.
- If Always Connected is off, added 10s delay before disconnect when hiding app.
- Small tweak to (hopefully) lighten load on slower servers.
- [Fixed] Icons for 3rd party plugins not loading in My Music page.
- [Fixed] Custom bg image selection failed if Always Connected is off.
- [Bug Fixed] App crashing sometimes when exiting Background selection dialog.
- [Bug Fixed] App crashing when pressing Back in certain circumstances.
- Fixed Tablet Mode for ASUS Padfone
- Tablet Mode as an in In-App purchase.
- Lists now saved their positions when moving to a child list
- Enabled the fast scroller on lists.
- Support for hardware media buttons (bluetooth, headphones, etc.)
- App Widget, both home and lock screen.
- Option to exclude parts of the path when using the source folder structure for song downloads.
- Option to disable auto hide for position bar.
- Now Playing layouts for larger devices.
- Widened the tapable area of popup list items to width of the entire item.
- Add image assets for xxhdpi devices.
- [Bug Fixed] On devices where DHCP is not supported, server discovery will crash the app.
- [Bug Fixed] Automatic reconnection after a connection error was not working correctly.
- [Bug Fixed] Song download failures may sometimes crash the app.
- [Bug Fixed] When the album art fails to load, the default cover image isn't shown.
- [Bug Fixed] The add/menu button is showing up on items that do not need it.
- [Bug Fixed] Switching a player to another server did not work if the current server that did not use port 9000.
- [Bug Fixed] The MyApps list was improperly sorted.
- [Bug Fixed] Some screens was showing an extraneous 'Loading...' item.
- [Bug Fixed] When adding a custom server, it will not be selected if it is the first one added
- [Bug Fixed] Some context menu items were working correctly.
- Added option to create a folder structure for downloaded songs.
- [Bug Fixed] Tapping 'Play' in a context menu did not work when 'Default Play Action' is not set to 'Play'
- [Bug Fixed] App crashing when selecting a context menu item.
- [Bug Fixed] Some items were not showing the correct context menu.
- [Bug Fixed] Items that do not have a context menu will no longer try to load one.
- Added option to use hardware volume keys to control player volume.
- Added ability to launch SB Player on supported devices.
- [Bug Fixed] When only connected to MySqueezebox.com, the player list did not show up in the Player Manager.
- [Bug Fixed] Player Manager crashing in certain cases when adjusting the player volumes.
- Stability improvements.
- [Bug Fixed] When tapping on a category in the search panel before the results have returned would crash the app.
- [Bug Fixed] When the playlist screen was showing when the app is put into the background and the playlist was then cleared by another controller, the app will crash on resuming.
- [Bug Fixed] Crashing when tapping on malformed menu items.
- [Bug Fixed] Opening the background selector would crash the app under certain situations.
- [Bug Fixed] Song Download activity crashing certain situations.
- [Bug Fixed] Putting the app into the background and resuming would re-show the last popup notification.
- Fixed a problem of the app crashing when disconnecting.
- Works better with servers that are set to a language other than english.
- Stability improvements.
- Added ability to delete multiple songs to Current Playlist and saved playlists.
- Added 'Download Playlist' item to header menu of a saved playlist.
- Fixed a problem where the track info in Current Playlist wasn't changing when playing internet streams.
- Fixed a problem where the current playlist may not reload when the playlist changes.
- Stability improvements.
- Disconnecting before exiting the app now correctly stops the background service.
- Quicker suspending to and resuming from the background if the always connected option is set.
- Various fixes concerning being connected to both a local server and MySqueezebox.com.
- The 'No Players' dialog now automatically closes when a player connects to the server.
- Fixed the problem of the mini notification controls not updating after running for an extended period.
- Stability improvements.
- [Bug Fixed] Fixed the Player Manager so it now works correctly when connected both the local server and MySqueezebox.com.
- [Bug Fixed] Fixed a crashing problem on the Now Playing screen.
- [Bug Fixed] The app no longer crashes after deleting the last user defined server and there are no found servers.
- [Bug Fixed] After deleting songs in the current playlist, selecting songs below the deleted songs will now play the correct song.
- [Bug Fixed] After selecting actions in the context menu of songs in the current playlist, the playlist will now reload correctly.
- [Bug Fixed] The previous fix for the player menu didn't quite work, this update should take care of it.
- [Bug Fixed] Rotating the device will no longer crash the app when certain dialogs are showing.
- [Bug Fixed] The correct background is displayed instead of a blank black one when resuming from device sleep.
- Fixed a rare occurrence of the app crashing when opening the player menu.
- Changes to hopefully prevent crashing when certain malformed menu items are clicked.
- Fix a problem in Player Manager where adjusting the volume of an unsynced player when there are other synced players will crash the app.